BINA Summer Film School: If These Walls Could Talk
From 17 to 26 September 2021, within its Future Architecture Platform, which connects budding artists with established institutions from the world of architecture, such as museums, galleries, publishing houses, biennials and festivals, providing such artists with an opportunity to be heard and seen, BINA will be hosting a ten-day film school.

From 17 to 26 September 2021, within its Future Architecture Platform, which connects budding artists with established institutions from the world of architecture, such as museums, galleries, publishing houses, biennials and festivals, providing such artists with an opportunity to be heard and seen, BINA will be hosting a ten-day film school. As part of this year’s Future Architecture Platform programme, collectively entitled Landscapes of Care, the BINA Film School, entitled If These Walls Could Talk, will focus on the Press Centre building. You may find more details on the School here.
The Press Centre building was constructed on Trg Republike square in Belgrade between 1958 and 1961, having been designed by architect Ratomir Bogojević. Highly valuable in terms of architecture and urban planning, the edifice has been on the cultural heritage list since 2019. Under the mentorship of eminent Serbian and foreign authors in the fields of cinema and architecture respectively and through the works of participants in the BINA Film School, to be created during the ten-day workshop, the „walls“ of this magnificent structure will „start to speak“ in the language of cinema.
A special feature of the BINA Film School is the link between cinema and architecture. In cooperation with their mentors, the participants will be learning in detail about the potential usage and role of film as a media in the process of researching, experiencing and representing architecture and space both in the work of architects and in bringing architecture closer to the audience.
The film miniatures resulting from the work of the participants will be screened in the Belgrade Cultural Centre cinema on the last day of the School, namely on Sunday, 26 September.
The FA/BINA Film School 2021 will be monitored by Dejan Petrović, a film director and the founder of the Interakcija International Student Film Camp, in cooperation with film director Vojin Vasović, film director and editor Jelena Maksimović and cameraman Dragan Vildović, whereas the School’s activity will be coordinated by Slađana Petrović Varagić and Ana Ostojić.
The mentors in the field of architecture are the finalists of the Future Architecture Open Call 2021: Julia Udall, Alex De Little, Jon Orlek, Joe Gilmore & Richard Cook, Sonic Acts of Noticing (United Kingdom); Ana Ulrikke Andersen (Norway); Nina Bačun (Croatia); Dea Widya (Indonesia); Zuzana Révészová, Spolka Kolektiv (Slovakia).
Workshop participants: Miloš Bojović, Veronika Milić, Teodora Pavlović, Nikola Radosavljević, Sanja Solunac, Maria Srnić, Ružica Anja Tadić, Andrej Tomin, Jelena Prljević, Tamara Broćić, Danica Sretenović, Mischa de Vries, Aleksandar Koturanović, Anja Vujošević, Dina Rosić, Jana Gligorijević, Đorđe Sarić.
FA/BINA Summer film school is organized in collaboration with three institutions member of the Future Architecture Platform: MAXXI museum, Rome; Oslo Architecture Triennale and Copenhagen Architecture Festival – CAFx.
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